Watch this page for all the information regarding the introductory hands-on workshops to explore and experiment digital tools and other practices for producing immersive experiences
CREATIVE Workshops (Meeting ID: 892 361 9478)
Recommended for students to explore creative narratives, performative storytelling techniques and mind-mining experiences.
TECH Workshops (Meeting ID: 892 361 9478)
Skill-based technical workshops that requires pre-requisites of *basic understanding and skills.
It is highly recommended that there is a good mix and balance of students picking diverse routes within a project team, so to better equip the group with different skill sets needed to deliver the final result. *Curious participants with no prior experience can partake in the technical workshops but to be advised that you have to self-learn and get a head start with available online tutorials for each software / tools before hopping on the live workshops.
Workshop Title
Time (CET)
Learning Outcome
Exploring Identity Through Drag
Mon 26.10
14:30 - 17:00
Ceviche de Chocho
Identity Exploration
Fear, Change & Predictive Processing
Thu 29.10
09:00 - 09:45
Shay Benish
Neuro-Thinking, Self Development & Holistic Design
Performative Workshop (Part 1): PowerPlay & The Status Game
Fri 30.10
15:00 - 18:00
Improv, Body as a Narrative Tool
Performative Workshop (Part 2): Devised Theatre
Mon 02.11
09:00 - 12:00
Performative Narrative, Art of Presentation
Power & Privilege (Part 1)
Mon 02.11
13:00 - 14:15
Semayat Oliveira, Charô Nunes & Sumbo Temo
Racial Bias & Anthropology
Mon 02.11
14:30 - 17:30
Charlotte Fereday & Charlie Wileman
Design Thinking & Strategy
Photogammetry Workshop
Tue 03.11
09:00 - 12:00
3D, Photogammetry
Visual Jamming, StoryShowing & Whimsical Activism (Part 1)
Tue 03.11
14:00 - 17:00
Animation & Film, Adobe AfterEffects, Phone Camera
Rapid Prototyping Workshop
Wed 04.11
Power & Privilege (Part 2)
Wed 04.11
13:00 - 14:15
Semayat Oliveira & Charô Nunes
Racial Bias & Anthropology
Visual Jamming, StoryShowing & Whimsical Activism (Part 2)
Wed 04.11
14:30 - 17:30
Animation & Film, Adobe AfterEffects, Phone Camera
Creating Participative Virtual Environments (Part 1)
Thu 05.11
09:00 - 12:00
Blender, HUBS
Mixed Reality: Tales, Territories and Strategies (Part 1)
Thu 05.11
14:30 - 17:30
Paulina Greta
SparkAR, Face filter
Creating Participative Virtual Environments (Part 2)
Fri 06.11
09:00 - 12:00
Blender, HUBS
Mixed Reality: Tales, Territories and Strategies (Part 2)
Fri 06.11
14:00 - 17:00
Paulina Greta
AFrame, 3D Virtual Space Design
Sound Design Workshop (Part 1)
Mon 09.11
14:00 - 17:00
Ableton Live 10 & portable recorders with microphone(s) like the Zoom h2n
Sound Design Workshop (Part 2)
Tue 10.11
14:00 - 17:00
Ableton Live 10 & portable recorders with microphone(s) like the Zoom h2n
Exploring Identity through Drag / Ceviche de Chocho
Monday, Oct 26th, 14:30-17:00 CET This workshop aims to analyze different notions of gender and sexuality through the art of drag. Particular emphasis will be placed on the aspect of drag make-up and the transformation from male to female. During this process, topics such as gender, sexuality, culture and ethnicity will be discussed while participants follow along and try to transform themselves and explore their own perceptions of gender as well as how this relates to identity and relationships of power connected to it.
#selfexploration #identity #genderbias #rupaul
Fear, Change & Predictive Processing / Shay Benish
Thursday, Oct 29th, 09:00 - 09:45 CET How much of your fear is only in your head? How many of your perceptions about yourself are mind made and has nothing to do with who you really are? This workshop will explore Predictive Processing, arguably known as one of the most basic functions of neural computations with prediction errors driving brain processes and behavior. We will go through a journey to observe, explore and optimize our self being, looking at personal development from a holistic and regenerative point of view
Workshop Keynote:
#speculativedesign #creativenarratives #timetravel #personaldevelopment #neurothinking
Performative Workshop: PowerPlay & The Status Game (Part 1) & Devised Theatre (Part 2) / Andrew Hefler & Casper Grey
Part 1: Friday, Oct 30th, 15:00-18:00 CET How do we recognize true leadership in a world of pretend politics? Bounded by existing power structures and constantly flooded by a televised display of transactional arrogance, how do we avoid mistaking weakness for strength? Can leaders be openly vulnerable? Do they exercise their Power based on fear, or charm? How do we relate to people close to us, and what can we do to navigate the trappings of Relative Status? Can we use it for a Greater Good? In this performative workshop, we delve into notions related to Power and Strength. We will be looking at the effects of your attitude and behaviour, and the effects that it has on others and your relating to one another. The mentor, Andrew Hefler, is a brilliant beast with thirty years of experience as a theatre director, actor, performer, trainer, you name it. This will be useful to everyone eager to try improvisation and exploratory, performative tools.
Part 2: Monday 2nd November 09:00-12:00 PowerPlay with improvisational theatre, and means of translating PURPOSE into ACTION - useful in life ;) - as well as in projects involving podcasts, script writing, radio dramas, video performances, interviews, or live-streamed videos.
#improv #selfexpolration #breakingconceptions
Power & Privilege / Semayat Oliveira & Charô Nunes
Part 1: Monday, Nov 2nd, 13:00-14:15 CET
Part 2: Wednesday, Nov 4th, 13:00-14:15 CET
#inclusivedesign #racialbias #selfexploration
Inclusive Design / Charlotte Fereday & Charlie Wileman from IdeanUK
Monday, Nov 2nd, 14:30-17:30 CET Inclusive design seeks to involve underrepresented voices in the design process with the aim of designing better solutions for everyone. In this session, you’ll confront your own biases and experiment with some of our inclusive design tools to welcome more perspectives into your design process. You’ll go home with a new mindset about the value of designing inclusively, and some tools to embed inclusive design into your projects.
What will be covered: 1. A brief intro into inclusive design and why we think it’s important
2. Two interactive sessions using Idean’s Inclusive Design tools
Using Cards for Humanity to embed a more inclusive approach into your project work and strengthen your concepts
Using Universal Score to evaluate your emerging ideas and help you to level up how inclusive your concepts are.
3. Reflections and wrapping up
#DesignThinking #Strategy #UX #inclusiveDesign #CardsforHumanity
Photogrammetry & Rapid Prototyping / Cristina Tarquini of
Tuesday, Nov 3rd, 09:00-12:00 CET & Wednesday, Nov 4th, 09:00-12:00 CET Deep dive into creating short form video content thru mixed-media synesthesia! Sharing industry insights in how to make "cool shit” for clients! And exploring a variety of animation/ footage treatment techniques using some of our analog & digital workflows!
Antoine Bertin & Cristina Tarquini // Soundscapes Workshop - Kikk Festival
Mikaela Steby Stenfalk // Collective Collection Marshmallow Laser Feast // Memex - Duologue Marshmallow Laser Feast // Chameleon Liam Young // Where the city can’t see
Part 1: Photogrammetry We will learn how to create 3D models of existing real objects we will find around us. By taking pictures of these objects with a phone and thanks to the software Agisoft, we will be able to teleport objects from the real world straight into the virtual one.
Part 2: Rapid Prototyping Rapid prototyping and iterative design is key to nail the message we’re trying to communicate. By quickly putting ideas out there we’ll be able to test and improve ideas/projects on the fly.
#3Dscanning #photogrammetry #virtualworldbuilding #prototyping
Visual Jamming, StoryShowing & Whimsical Activism / Raymo Ventura of Deuxwave studio
Tuesday, Nov 12th, 14:00-17:00 CET Deep dive into creating short form video content thru mixed-media synesthesia! Sharing industry insights in how to make "cool shit” for clients! And exploring a variety of animation/ footage treatment techniques using some of our analog & digital workflows!
The Workshop: We will take a piecemeal approach to visual activism! A movement begins with an individual walk and then a protest occurs when a group of people meet up and walk together!
With that in mind, each student will create and experiment with their own interpretation of a walk! Can be an animation of any style or any sort of filmed footage treatment! After everyone submits, we will then take all the individual walks and have them all come together as parts of a larger group movement video!
Software Used: Adobe AfterEffects, Premiere, Photoshop
Bonus Tools: Access to printer, scanner, paper & doodle instruments (i.e. markers, colored pencils, watercolors, acrylic paints, choose your own adventure)
#Animation #MovingImages #PlayfulActivism #FunExploration #DigitalProtest
Creating Participative Virtual Environments / Stefano D'Alessio
Thursday, Nov 5th, 09:00-12:00 CET & Friday, Nov 6th, 09:00-12:00 CET We’ll dive into Mozilla Hubs, a platform that gives users the possibility to create and share three-dimensional participative virtual environments that can be visited and changed by anybody with a browser, an internet connection and a link to a space. We’ll specifically focus on experimenting with the creation of spaces to develop immersive narratives
*Software Used: Blender, Firefox *Please register on
Some Hubs
Lecture Notes:
#3Denvironment #immersivespace #virtualreality #ethicalnarratives
Tales, Territories and Strategies / Paulina Greta
Thursday, Nov 5th, 14:30-17:30 CET & Wednesday, Nov 11th, 13:00-16:00 CET The workshop aims to guide through Augmented Reality realm showing augmented narratives and the potential held in this medium. The building of storytelling is going towards an evocative direction distancing from the classical plot-oriented narrative. The switch, from a timeline based content structure to real-time environments, require a deconstruction of our content tools (written information, image, sound etc.). Practical ways of application will be examined and discussed. The lecture is a theoretical part that encourages to think and /design AR narratives and experiences.
Softwares used: AFrame, Meshmixer / MeshLab, Cinema 4D & Photoshop
Part 1: Spark AR On Instagram Filters building. Focus on the key steps of the workflow Student Instructions. Learning Outcomes: The workshops aim to provide the basic methodology and the technical instruments needed for the creation and production of an Augmented experience.
Part 2: AFrame On AR web-based building framework. Focus on the key steps of the workflow ⁃ 3D preparation for AR ⁃ Basic animation ⁃ Web repositories ⁃ Coding structure Student Instructions.
Softwares used: Spark AR
#MixedReality #VR #AugmentedReality #DesignFiction, #InstaFaceFilter #ARNarratives
Sound On! Sound Design Workshop / Francesco Torelli
Monday, Nov 9th, 14:00-17:00 CET & Tuesday, Nov 10th, 14:00-17:00 CET How do we design the sound?
Analyzing and understanding the meaning of sounds through their nature. Removing meanings from sounds hiding their source. Giving sounds new meanings. Organizing them and understand how to express a narrative potential through a structure. Designing what we want the audience to hear. Catching sounds and digitally manipulate them in order to create what has been designed.
Starting from digital audio’s basics, a journey through recording and manipulation of sound using the computer.
Software used: Ableton Live 10
Hardware used: *Portable recorders equipped with microphone(s) (like the Zoom h2n), laptops, headphones (the better the quality, the better the result!)
*If a portable recorder is not available per each group of students, there will be no problem, we can record sounds with smartphones (for which some free apps - like Voice Record Pro - will be required)
#SoundDesign #SoundScaping #ASMR
Last updated
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